Document 1958 DOCN M94A1958 TI International cooperation between two community based organizations (France--Poland) to set up a mobilization model. DT 9412 AU Defert D; Marty-Lavauzelle A; AIDES Federation Nationale, France. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):412 (abstract no. PD0255). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370617 AB OBJECTIVE: AIDES Association -main community-based organisation in France- hoped to set up a cooperation project to help mobilize efforts to fight AIDS in a country where citizens had no practice of being actors in the face of a problem, through solidarity between infected people in France and in Poland. METHOD: Send to Poland a delegation made up of people living with HIV, of health professionals belonging to the Association and of one of the founders of CRISTIANS AND AIDS France, to 1. find out what were the health, religious, political and press structures and individuals mainly involved in the fight against AIDS and discuss with them the needs of infected people and the obstacles met in the setting up of support structures, 2. meet the representatives of the Health Authorities in the country, 3. present the Polish public with the findings of the delegation at a Press Conference. RESULTS: two representatives of the hardest hit communities came to France to receive volunteer training at AIDES Association and a physician was offered a month training at the Pasteur Hospital in Paris, a community-based Organization Stowarzyszenie Wolontarinszy wobec AIDS BADZ'Z NAMI (Association of Volunteers against AIDS BE WITH US) was set up in Warsaw, with branches in Dansk and Wroclaw, medium term cooperation between AIDES Association (France) and BE WITH US (Poland). CONCLUSION: this mission was able to trigger a spirit of mobilization and potentiate solidarity and exchanges between people living with HIV, as actors in the fight against AIDS in their own country and not just receivers of compassionate humanitarian help; it showed that it is possible with limited means to set up efficient models of mobilization and cooperation between community-based organizations, and that those can be reproduced: a similar request was addressed to AIDES Association by the Russian Association NOI I VOI (YOU AND US) during a first encounter in Paris. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/*PREVENTION & CONTROL/*THERAPY Christianity Community Health Services/*ORGANIZATION & ADMIN France Health Services Needs and Demand Human Humanism *International Cooperation Poland Public Relations Russia Social Support MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).